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Thursday, December 07, 2023

Ministry from Sexual Abuse Trauma

Deliverance from Sexual Abuse Trauma for Healing and Restoration

Learn what some of the Sexual Abuse Trauma Symptoms and recover from sexual abuse

overcome the pain of sexual abuse

Touch of God is a ministry of help to help the people in pain from sexual abuse to recover and thrive again. 

Be clear-minded and alert. Your opponent, the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 1st Peter 5:8  (ISV)

Did you know that demons can gain entrance through acts of sexual abuse? While I was ministering to a lady, one of her demons manifested and bragged about how he got inside of her. "Children are so easy to manipulate!" he said. Upon further interrogation of this demon, it was learned that he had gained entrance through an event where her ten-year-old cousin (who had also been sexually abused) molested her. Cousins aren't the only ones demons can use to sexually harm their victims. Siblings, step-siblings, step-parents, other child friends, trusted adult neighbors, aunts, uncles, grandparents, complete strangers, and sadly, even some parents have been reported by the victims as being sexual perpetrators, too.

Sexual abuse is a standard means that demons can use to get inside of someone. It's said that one out of every five boys and one out of every three girls are made the victims of sexual abuse before they reach the age of eighteen. Just because the demons were successful in their entrance does not mean they can stay there. 

Demons need strongholds comprised of unforgiven sins to remain. Demons start tempting the sexually abused to sin in other unrelated matters, too, so that other demons may enter as they did, thus making it harder to do away with them all quickly. It's my hope that this article will help explain the many demonic functions found so commonly in operation today in those who are being held captive by the demons of sexual abuse.

Overcoming the Spirit of Fear

Not only demonic spirits but a spirit of fear from sexual abuse trauma symptoms. A child may have anxiety, stress, and even panic attacks. Trauma is an open door for a spirit of fear to enter a person. A minister and/or counselor needs to help them overcome the spirit of fear. That means deliverance prayer from the spirit of fear.

The Demonic Functions Of Sexual Immorality:

How to overcome sexual immorality? 

Sex-Addictions, Child-Abuse, Molestation, Bondage, Sadomasochism, Sexual Impurity, Lust, Blood Lust, Prostitution, Pornography, Sodomy, Homosexuality, Adultery, Incest, Rape, Seduction, Promiscuity, Whoredom, Hypocrisy, Fantasy, Worldliness and Jezebel. When a child or teen goes through sexual abuse trauma, it also opens the door to confusion. If they are very young, it wakes them up sexually.

I therefore urge you, brothers, given God's mercies, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices that are holy and pleasing to God, for this is the reasonable way for you to worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but continually be transformed by renewing your minds so that you can determine what God's will is- what is proper, pleasing, and perfect. Romans 12:1-2  (ISV)

Just because someone was sexually abused does not make him or her a sexually immoral person. None of us would dare blame a child for being sexually abused. It simply isn't their fault. Over time, though, the demons who entered from sexual abuse will try shaping their victim's life to cause them to be the kind of person who once sexually abused them. It's reported that 80 percent of persons who sexually use children were at one time sexually abused themselves during childhood. This is just one of many reasons we should renounce the sins others committed against us.

Demons aren't always successful in making a sexually abused child turn into a sexual predator, but they do often succeed in causing the child to live an immoral lifestyle. A sexually abused child can grow up and be prone to view pornography and be willing to participate in fornication. In extreme cases of sexual abuse, some even become addicted to bondage / sadomasochistic sex. Whenever someone comes to me with these behaviors and is seeking help, I investigate what happened in their childhood to look for the events that opened the door and allowed demons to violate their souls.

It's not always that direction. Some victims of sexual abuse trauma have no interest in sex. They may become frigid and not able to perform sexually after marriage. 

God is not the author of confusion.

Isolation, Disbelief, Deception, Perversion, Mischievousness, Vulnerability, Deceit, Paranoia, Doubt, Amnesia, Unbelief, Skepticism, Denial, Indecision, Unrest, Impatience, Hopelessness, Lies, Half-Truths, Distrust, Dishonesty, Indolence and Procrastination.

Given the chance, demons will take advantage of any ungodly situation. When a child has reported the abuse, and nobody listens, you can bet the devil will use it against the victim. Denial creeps in, and along with it, confusion and deception. Then, the concept of love and acceptance is perverted. In cases where a caregiver sexually abuses a child, over time, the demons convince the victim that the sex is some show of affection. Demons try perverting the concept of true love to make it into what God calls ungodly. They do this to maintain a place inside of their victims.

Persons who have been abused by their parents and guardians may not understand how anyone could care for a God who is called our Heavenly Father. This distorted image of fatherhood turns them off to that concept. One such person I know would not call God her Father, although she had been going to church for years, had made a profession of faith in Christ, and had partaken in believers' baptism. She would speak so lovingly about Jesus, but in regards to confession that God was her Heavenly Father, she would become suddenly angry and ill.

Demons attempt to instill doubt, skepticism, and unbelief. In extreme cases, some persons even boldly deny that God exists and will get angry at anyone trying to tell them otherwise. I'm often asked these questions: "Where was God when I was being abused as a child?" and, "If God exists, why didn't God stop the person who hurt me before I was abused?"

Nearly everyone who has ever counseled the abused hears these questions and many more like them. My answer to these questions is God was right there telling the abuser that what they were about to do was wrong. Believing He allowed it to happen because He doesn't always override a person's free will. I then point out to the victim that God was the only reason we ever survived these situations and that He has a plan to heal them, which is perfect and acceptable. Often, when reminded that God helps us all in many situations, most of these victims can look back at life-threatening events and confess that only God could have been the one to keep them from certain death.

Indecisiveness and procrastination are also the deeds of demons. Phrases like "I can't forgive them today, so I will wait until tomorrow or next week" and "I want to wait and see how I feel tomorrow before I accept Christ" are both indications the devil has been at work. Even when someone believes in Jesus, it doesn't necessarily mean they won't drag their feet and fail to receive Him as their Lord and Savior. Even though they must do so, the old habits of putting things off want to prevail. Prayer, patience, and unconditional love are often the only tools to continue ministering to these victims. God will grant them wisdom and strength to make all their decisions if they trust and have faith in Him instead of the devil's tricks. Good things are promised to the believers; reminding them of that will help.

The Demonic Functions of Fear:

Anxiety, Insecurity, Panic, Selfishness, Nightmares, Paranoia, Sensitiveness, Worry, Insomnia, Insecurity, and Flashbacks trigger reactions. 

trauma-induced anxiety disorder

The devil has two primary weapons: deception and fear. The trauma-induced anxiety disorder such as panic attacks. Nearly everyone I know who has suffered from the bondage of sexual abuse is afraid of something. Afraid to speak the truth openly. Fearful of the dark. Afraid to sleep because of the nightmares they may have. Afraid of flashbacks. Afraid of marriage. Fearful of being alone. Afraid of parents. Afraid to remember. Afraid they will never forget. Afraid they won't be accepted. Afraid to trust again. Afraid to love anyone ever again. Afraid of food. Afraid of being without food. Afraid to be baptized. Afraid of men. Afraid of women. Afraid of authority. Afraid of pastors or other clergy. Afraid to change. Afraid to go against the will of the demons who have ruled their lives for years. Afraid to forgive someone or afraid to forgive themselves. 

Symptoms of Anxiety and Fear

Fear causes the victim all kinds of problems. If you're afraid of something, you'll be paranoid that what you fear will happen or will not happen, whatever may be the case. Then, you'll worry about it. You'll get so stressed out you may become anxious and even panic. Then, you suddenly find you cannot sleep well. Without adequate rest, our bodies cannot digest food properly, which causes our cells to be unable to receive the energy and nutrients they need. Our bodies also need sleep to heal. Nerves become unhealthy, and then we become depressed. A person not sleeping well is heading quickly towards physical problems such as sickness, disorders, and disease. Jesus said that the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, and fear is often a weapon our enemy uses.

I've even seen fear cause people to rely on themselves more than the Lord; just consider how dangerous that is! Fear directly results from a lack of faith and trust in God. The apostle Paul asked, "If God is for us, who can stand against us?"

Overcoming anxiety with God

Jesus said that God knows the number of hairs on our heads and that not even the sparrow falls without His knowing. Jesus also told us to not allow ourselves to be afraid or worry. The commandment "Do not be afraid" occurs more in the Bible than in the other commandments.  In the Bible, we read, "Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added unto you." Going for long periods without subjecting our fears to God's Truth is not good. Bible study, prayer, and the perfect love of Jesus is what causes our fears to go away.

The Demonic Functions of Bitterness:

Jealousy, Rejection, Rebellion, Witchcraft, Envy, Suicide, Malevolence,  Self-Mutilation, Masochism, Warcraft, Violence, Sadism, Murder, Death, Gossip, Destruction, Self-Destruction, Anger, Rage, Hatred, Self-Hatred, Retribution, Retaliation, Resentment, Revenge and Unforgiveness.

So put to death your worldly impulses: sexual sin, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed (which is idolatry). Because of these things, God's wrath is coming to those who are disobedient. You used to behave like them when you were living among them. But now you must also eliminate anger, wrath, malice, slander, obscene language from your mouth, and all such sins. Do not lie to one another, for you have stripped off the old man with its practices and have clothed yourselves with the new man, which is being renewed into full knowledge according to the image of the one who created it. Where this happens, there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, or free person. Instead, Christ is all and in all.  Colossians 3:5 -11 (ISV)

The demonic clinchers are bitter and unforgiveness. I know many people attending church and witnessing the loss but have yet to forgive someone. I've also noticed that it's a cycle where the devil continually sends persons against them and engineers further hurtful situations. Do you know anyone who always seems to go around feeling hurt? Have you noticed that some seem to get their feelings hurt regularly? Have you ever wondered why? Unforgiveness and bitterness are just as bad as lust and witchcraft are. Persons who are being held captive by the devil cannot be set free until they give up their right to be bitter and make the conscious, willful choice to forgive everyone. Remember, God has said He cannot absolve us of our sins if we refuse to forgive someone else.

Do you suffer from social or generalized anxiety? Read my story and testimony

Jesus loves you and wants to take your social and/or generalized anxiety from you so that you can live an abundant and whole life in Christ Jesus, reaching your desired goals either in life or your career. I want to see as many as possible receive freedom, peace, and confidence in what God created you to become with purpose.

Coach Teresa Morin - Anxious2Victorious Women Coaching

I released a FREE complimentary book and want to give you a free gift of stories of people who have overcome fear, along with one of my steps to help you get started.

Free digital Download the free pdf book on how to get rid of anxiety forever. Go to

I would love to go deeper with you to overcome social anxiety. So, jump on a one-on-one call with me where we can map out a personal blueprint to conquer social fear. Schedule a free 45-minute call with me. I will teach you one key out of three to help you start your healing journey. 

During the call, I will help you identify your false beliefs so that you transform yourself into a confident, strong woman of God who can speak up without fear of being judged. Scroll down and get my free ebook on Anxiety.


Do You Suffer from Anxious, Negative Thoughts That You Cannot Control but It Controls You? Read testimonies of those who have conquered it!

Download your FREE GIFT NOW!

Jump Off The Merry-Go-Round:
Five proven steps to conquer unwanted thoughts of worry and shame that drive anxiety and depression to fulfill your potential

by Teresa Morin

This eBook is one of Teresa's most popular publications, a free digital downloadable book PDF. No need for the shipping address.

  • Let go of shame, worry, and fear
  • Get freedom from the enemy’s lies
  • Let go of the past pain, hurts, and trauma
  • Learn specific anti-anxiety tools
  • Cultivate Christ-centered confidence and become your most authentic self again.
jump off the merry-go-round and overcome anxiety

anxiety book


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