google1bde5f310b29fda8.html Overcome Anxious Negative Thought Patterns: how to remove negative thoughts from mind permanently
Showing posts with label how to remove negative thoughts from mind permanently. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to remove negative thoughts from mind permanently. Show all posts

Friday, November 10, 2023

Got Ruts?

Got Ruts in the Brain by Replaying Negative Thoughs Over and Over?

Why do we get stuck in ruts? 

We become stuck in ruts due to our brains' habitual electrical patterns. Past experience shapes present and future behavior - overthinking that may cause anxiety.

What do we do? How to remove negative thoughts from mind permanently?

Renewing your mind

How about creating a trench of truth? 

First, how do we attack the problems? Did you know that behavior modification doesn't work because it is not getting to the root problem that produces the behavior? For example, stress, reaching for a smoke. Why is that? The mind is already wired, so now rewire the thinking.

Why Negative Thoughts Come in the Mind

First, remove the lie at the root of the behavior, and replace it with a principle of truth (God's Word) that creates a new neural pathway - a new trench. Instead of allowing the stress to reach a bad habit like smoking, using His Word of truth is going to Jesus, the author of peace. 

Yes, it takes work, trusting Jesus, and allowing Him to become our peace. It takes about 40 days to change the trench to a new trench (stronghold) lined up God's way. 

Coach Teresa Morin
Anxious2Victorious Women's Coaching Program - Get my free digital downloadable ebook today. No need for a shipping address.

How do we remove negative thoughts from the subconscious mind? Renewing the Mind

See testimonies of victory

women who have overcome anxiety and stress

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Negative Thoughts Can Make You Sick

Negative Thoughts Can Make You Sick

how to stop negative thoughts anxiety

Biological structure of memory and thoughts causing life or death. Did you know every thought in your mind corresponds to an electrochemical reaction in your brain? If you have evil thoughts, the adverse electrochemical reaction occurs, and vice versa, with sound and happy thoughts. Every time you think, chemicals flow through your body in response to a magnificently complex electrochemical feedback loop. Did you know that the average person has over 30,000 thoughts a day?

Did you know that bitterness is a negative thought from the kingdom of evil, and it changes the modularity of your cells and changes the DNA code in a cell to cause the cells to mutate.

Did you know you can regrow your brain through good thoughts and be more intelligent? Learn how!

Negative Thoughts can Make you Sick Video:


 Part 3 is You Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made. We need to know how special and unique we are to know God is involved in our lives. You can discern and cast those thoughts down when you see his involvement. First segment: Second Segment of Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Part 4: The rest of negative thoughts—what they do to your heart and body.

Coach Teresa Morin, Anxious2Victorious Women a 12-week biblical transformation Program, Break the cycle of Anxiety through learning how to get rid of anxiety fast - free digital downloadable book PDF - find peace and happiness