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Showing posts with label true self. Show all posts
Showing posts with label true self. Show all posts

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Finding Your True Identity: Navigating the Influence of God and Man

Do you Allow Others to Define Who You Are?

Find your true identity

Have you ever found yourself allowing others, like family members, to define your identity? Many of us have experienced rejection at some point in our lives. Rejection can be seen as a projection of lies from others that we unfortunately perceive as truth. The spirit of rejection can lead us to believe things about ourselves that are simply not true. But, wouldn't you agree that rejection is the opposite of what God defines us to be?
Jesus gave his life not only for us to have everlasting life and a relationship with Him but also to give us our true identity in Him. His blood has the power to wash away the lies that we have been believing about ourselves, if only we allow Him to do so.

Rejection: A False Identity

Rejection can plant seeds of doubt in our minds and hearts, causing us to question our worth and value. When someone we care about rejects us or criticizes us, it can feel like a direct attack on who we are as individuals. This can lead to feelings of unworthiness, inadequacy, and shame. However, it is important to remember that rejection from others does not define our identity.
Our true identity is found in Christ, who sees us as beloved children, created in His image and uniquely designed for a purpose. When we allow the opinions of others to shape our identity, we are giving away our power and authority to something outside of ourselves. By focusing on God's truth about who we are, we can begin to break free from the bondage of rejection and walk confidently in our true identity.

Embracing Our Identity in Christ

When we choose to accept the identity that Christ has given us, we are free to live in the fullness of who we are meant to be. We no longer have to conform to the standards and expectations of others, but can instead walk in the truth of God's love and acceptance. By embracing our identity in Christ, we can experience freedom from the lies of rejection and step into the fullness of our calling and purpose.
So, next time you find yourself tempted to allow others to define who you are, remember that your true identity is found in Christ alone. Don't let rejection hold you back from living the abundant life that God has planned for you. Stand firm in the truth of who you are in Him, and allow His love to shape and define your identity.

Coach Teresa Morin
Anxious2Victorious Women 12-Week Program - Break the Cycle of Anxiety by Learning how to get rid of anxiety fast