google1bde5f310b29fda8.html Overcome Anxious Negative Thought Patterns: Setting the Captives Free
Showing posts with label Setting the Captives Free. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Setting the Captives Free. Show all posts

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Bondage to Setting the Captives Free

 My Story From Bondage to Setting the Captives Free!

I worked for over 40 years in the corporate and higher education arena until 2021, when I retired.
While working, I also ran a non-profit ministry called Touch of God Int’l Ministries, helping 1000 people worldwide get free from strongholds, curses, and demonic influences. I helped people in getting free from sickness and disease.
You see patterns in people's lives over the years of working with people. I witness much bondage from strongholds or negative thought patterns. These lies they believe keep them from rejection, anxious, if not anxious, to full-blown anxiety keeps a person from entering everything God has for them.
It wasn’t always that way for me. I had issues, bondages, family curses blocking my success, and anxiety attacks. When free, I stepped into what the Lord had called me to do – set the captives free.
After retirement, I started a 90-day coaching program called Kick Anxiety Out – Step into God’s Peace and Purpose. Since then, I’ve had the privilege of seeing people get free and step into their identity in Christ with purpose and freedom without anxiety.

Coach Teresa Morin, Anxious2Victorious Women, a 12-week biblical transformation Program, Break the cycle of Anxiety through learning how to get rid of anxiety fast - free digital downloadable book PDF - find peace and happiness

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Isaiah 17:17 Damacus will become a ruinous heap

Damascus will become a ruinous heap

Damascus will become a ruinous heap

God controls the heavens. In fact, the Bible says that He rides upon the heavens (Psalm 68:4). There can be no doubt that the above is somehow prophetic in nature. It comes at about the same time and is confluent with the following:

Israel is the key to prophecy and God's line of history. Iran got a nuclear weapon within weeks, with which it wants to destroy Israel and America. That showdown may be just days away.

Hezbollah taking control in Lebanon, increasing the threat on Israel's northern border, with many missiles in place, probably WMDs, ready to be fired at Israeli civilians.

Syria's instability, also with many missiles in place ready to be fired at Israel. Some of Syria's missiles are hidden in Damascus's residential neighborhoods, which will cause Israel to have to destroy those neighborhoods, fulfilling Isaiah 17:1, which says that Damascus will become a ruinous heap, an apt description of a nuclear aftermath. That prophecy has never yet been fulfilled, but it will probably be soon.

America turned against Israel with its Muslim-favoring President Hussein Obama (aka Barry Soetero).

Political turmoil and instability in America, the truth of Obama's legal ineligibility to be President, and fraud are admitted and dealt with. I suspect Obama and the left will not give in without a fight and that he will declare martial law and suspend the Constitution to hold office.

The left does not care for the Constitution anyhow.

Some experts believe the near financial collapse of America and the West is imminent.

God says, In the last days, perilous times will come. God also says I will show wonders in the heavens (Joel 2:30). Those times are here. It is happening. But there is nothing to worry about if you have received Christ and trust Him as Lord and Savior. He will surely deliver you, as He promises and cannot lie.

Personally, I believe the removal of God's people from the earth (called the rapture) is imminent.

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As for me and my house,

we will serve the Lord.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Are You The Apple of His Eye!

You Are The Apple of His Eye!

Jesus loves you very much and is for you and not against you.

Deuteronomy 32:10 “He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness; he led him about, he instructed him, he kept him as the apple of his eye.”

The "apple of the eye" is the Heb. _ishon_, meaning manikin, i.e., the eye pupil. So, we can say that you are the apple of God’s eye, which means you are the focus of his attention, and His very focus is right on you. The God the Father loves you individually, personally, and then collectively given to Christ as a gift. He came to show you to the father.

Maybe you are in a hard place, feeling alone and unloved. Perhaps the enemy is telling you that you are unworthy and unloved by God and others. Maybe your parents made you feel inferior. The good news is the Father will come to you in your desert and meet you in your place of brokenness because you are the apple of His eye. That is how much He cares for His children. He will come and find you.

by: Traci Morin

Saturday, June 18, 2005

How To Honor Your Parents If They Abused You According to the Bible!

How To Honor and Respect Parents!

Honor thy mother and father and provoke not

Sometimes it is hard to honor and respect parents when they have victimized you or didn’t show you love and acceptance and made you feel unworthy and unclean. Why do you think they did that? It is because their parents projected that into them, and then they dumped the demonic on them where they believed it for themselves. That is a lie, and that is the unloving spirit. The demonic comes down the family tree and keeps repeating itself until someone breaks the family tree curse.

How is a person supposed to Honor and Respect their parents?

How can I honor my parents if they are demonized with self-hatred and self-rejection and victimized me when I was a child and still do when I’m around them? You can honor them by thanking the Lord that they gave you life if you have nothing else to honor them. You have to see your parents as victims of the demonic that passed down from the family tree. Their parents were not able to love them, so they did not know how to love you, and you cannot expect them to love you when there is a demonic or unloving spirit in them. That means you have to separate the sin in them. They were victims and have been programmed by their parents to victimize you! When you see that they are victims, too, it makes it easier to forgive them and stop the torment.

What Paul Says to do!

That’s why Paul talks about casting down negative thoughts that are not of God in 2 Corinthians 10:3-6.

3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 4(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 6And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.

When you don’t cast it down as a lie, then you establish it as a way of life for yourself. You are going to filter the lie through everything that comes your way. If your parents reject you, you will feel rejected by everyone else. Everything they say will feel like rejection. Also, because of that unloving spirit, then a child, now an adult, will continue to go back to their parents over and over again, thinking something will change and trying to get acceptance through them. That won’t happen because of the demonic in them. People must accept that it won’t change until they remove the lie from their hearts and minds because they believe it, too! You can change it, though!

What can I do?

You must fall out of agreement and be prepared to avoid it. You don’t have to continue to hear the negative voices of your mother and father in your ears. If you do, it is an evil spirit that is reminding you of self-rejection, self-hatred, etc. How many are still listening to the voices of demonized parents who victimized you spiritually when they are not even around you – they might already be dead, but you still hear clearly what they said or did. There is no way any man, pastor, or preacher can take away those voices from your mind or memory. There is a way to be freed from the spirit that transferred into and tormented you through your family tree. That is the unloving spirit that comes to you to accuse you and make you feel rejection, self-hatred, etc. If you are going to get the work out the grace of God in you, you must realize you will never forget those voices, they are a big part of the memory, but the pain from presence of that evil spirit that is attacking you and accusing can be gone. You will have the memory but not the accusation or pain of the memory.

When you hear that voice, you will know to cast it down as Paul says in 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 and not let it affect you because you will know what your heavenly father thinks of you. You need to discern good and evil by what is said between your ears. If it is not love, then the devil is accusing you. Cast that thought down by not accepting it. Know who you are in Christ and meditate on what the word says about you. You can only feel complete with God. No man can cause you to feel complete. When the enemy comes to accuse you, and you know your identity, it will not affect you. That is why you need to know what the Lord says about you when the enemy comes to accuse you. You see when you believe the lie, then you are calling God a liar as well. You are none of those things you are accused of by the enemy or your parents. You are just a victim of your parents' demonic. 

That is why it hurt so bad because of their demonic and the demonic that passed down to you through them through the family tree. That is why the devil knew what he was doing to accuse you: he knows your family tree. There is no reason to go around in rejection or self-rejection because your parents rejected you. Your heavenly father is now your father once you become born again, and you are never rejected by him, even when you sin. Run to Him for your love. You have to come to the place where you don’t go to your parents for acceptance. That has to stop! Realize that you must go to the Father because He has already accepted and loves you even when you are imperfect. We cannot lose the love of the Father.

I know every time I have a terrible memory or a specific memory from my past or from my parents and have a ping or lousy feeling, I know I need to forgive that situation and then try to turn my thoughts to the Lord or try to think of something more positive about that person or parent. That reprograms your thinking or what the word says, renewing my mind. That is taking every thought captive. Then I fill my mind with what the Lord says about me if I heard negative words of the past. I remind the enemy what the Lord says about me. Again, the war is between our ears, and it’s a mighty war. In Ephesians 6:12

“12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

The beginning of Chapter 6 of Ephesians discusses honoring our parents and then goes into spiritual warfare. So, if we can honor our parents, if they were abusive to you, by honoring them that they gave you life. That does not mean you have to continue to go and be abused to give godly honor.

by: Traci Morin
Servant and Ordained Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Touch of God Healing Ministries (a healing and deliverance ministry located in Dallas, Texas). 

How to Honor My Parents - $2.25 - visit the store. 

How to Honor Parents