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Showing posts with label how to get rid of anxiety fast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to get rid of anxiety fast. Show all posts

Monday, February 06, 2023

Living a Fulfilled LIfe

Living a fulfilled Life

How to Improve Your Life quality - Being at Peace with Yourself

What is Stopping you rom your filfilled life?

Living a fulfilled life in Christ is exciting. Was it always that way? No.

There was a time when I was in bondage and was stuck in my life. My 40s should have been the best years of my life. Instead, I had bad memories from childhood that surfaced, and the anxiety started. It was so scary for me. I was already serving on a deliverance team in Dallas, and now this?
The bad memories were harrowing. They were the missing memories I stuffed that I did not want to remember. I could not function. It was only God's grace that I didn't lose my job with all the days I didn't show up. My anxiety was out of the roof. That was back in the 90s. "Why me, I thought." Why now.
I felt so alone because I was afraid of anxiety attacks in public, so I alienated my friends. They are not going to understand what I am going through. The days were long. I wanted to only sleep but could not. Insomnia, fear of the future, and fear of losing my job. 
I withdrew from life and friends. The world felt like a lonely place, alone in my misery. 
Does the world seem like a lonely place at the moment? The memories kept pouring in. I had a hard time accepting these memories between 3 and 5. It was horrible and scary. Will I ever get through all this?
I did get help and got free. I felt free, could sleep again, had a peaceful mind, and regained my confidence. Later, in 2005, I launched my ministry of healing deliverance. I help free the captives from bondage, strongholds, and demonic attacks. There is nothing like fulfilling your destiny and calling.
Then, I later launched my anxiety coaching program. I help women calm their minds and have boundless energy. Do you need help transforming your thought life and conquering anxiety? Can you answer two to three of these statements below?:
It is learning to be at peace with yourself and who you are in Christ instead of the following:
  • Anxious all the time?
  • Lonely like the world is passing you by?
  • Physical sensations and feeling strange?
  • Talking about your worries to others, thinking they might understand?
  • Feeling misunderstood and alone?
  • Exhausted / Fatigued and don’t feel like doing anything?
  • Trouble sleeping makes the anxiety worse?
  • Digestive and bowls problems?
  • Problem functioning at school or work?
  • Anxiety makes you miss out on life - missing out on friends and being sociable?
  • Making you feel sad and lonely and more anxious?
  • Does anxiety hurt your emotions and behaviors?

Coach Teresa Morin, Anxious2Victorious Women a12-Week Program, Break the cycle of Anxiety through learning how to get rid of anxiety fast - FREE digital downloadable book PDF

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Trauma and chronic fatigue syndrome

Trauma and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Trauma and chronic fatigue syndrome

Individuals who experience trauma during childhood appear more likely to develop chronic fatigue syndrome as adults, according to a report in the January issue of Archives of General Psychiatry, one of the JAMA/Archives journals. In addition, neuroendocrine dysfunction — or abnormalities in the interaction between the nervous system and endocrine system — appears to be associated with childhood trauma in those with chronic fatigue syndrome, suggesting a biological pathway by which early experiences influence adult vulnerability to illness.

Chronic fatigue syndrome affects as many as 2.5 percent of U.S. adults, according to background information in the article. Little is known about the causes and development of the condition. Risk factors include female sex, genetic predisposition, certain personality traits, and physical and emotional stress. “Stress in interaction with other risk factors likely triggers chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms through its effects on central nervous, neuroendocrine, and immune systems, resulting in functional changes that lead to fatigue and associated symptoms such as sleep disruption, cognitive impairment, and pain” the authors write. 

“However, obviously not every individual exposed to a stressor goes on to develop chronic fatigue syndrome, and it is therefore of critical importance to understand sources of individual differences in vulnerability to the pathogenic effects of stress.”

Christine Heim, Ph.D., of Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, and colleagues studied 113 patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and 124 healthy individuals who served as controls. Participants — who were drawn from a general sample of 19,381 adult residents of Georgia — reported whether they had experienced childhood trauma, including sexual, physical, and emotional abuse or emotional and physical neglect. They also underwent screening for depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder and were tested for levels of the hormone cortisol in their saliva. The authors note that low levels may indicate decreased function of the body’s central neuroendocrine stress response system.

Individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome reported higher levels of childhood trauma — exposure to trauma was associated with a six-fold increase in the risk of having the condition. Sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and emotional neglect were most closely related to chronic fatigue syndrome. Patients with the syndrome also were more likely than controls to have depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Cortisol levels were decreased in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome who experienced childhood trauma but not in those with chronic fatigue syndrome who had not been subjected to trauma. Therefore, stress early in life may cause a biological susceptibility to chronic fatigue syndrome, the authors note.

“Our results confirm childhood trauma as an important risk factor of chronic fatigue syndrome,” they write. “In addition, neuroendocrine dysfunction, a hallmark feature of chronic fatigue syndrome, appears to be associated with childhood trauma. This possibly reflects a biological correlate of vulnerability due to early developmental insults. Our findings are critical to inform pathophysiological research and devise targets to prevent chronic fatigue syndrome.”

Coach Teresa Morin, Anxious2Victorious Women a 12-Week Program, Break the cycle of Anxiety through learning how to get rid of anxiety fast - free digital downloadable book PDF - find peace and happiness

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Renewing the Mind

God's Way to Renew Your Mind

Changing the way you think

Renewing the Mind

Renewing our minds from the old thinking to have the mind of Christ is essential and is a daily process to remove the negative, stinking thinking.

We are new creatures – we are now in Christ, but our minds need renewing from the environment, old beliefs, etc.
How do we do that?
Romans 8:1 “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.”
There is a condition. Not to walk in the flesh but in the spirit. Is our carnal mind spirit or flesh?
So, how do we renew our minds?
According to Romans 12:2 “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
We are to renew our mind. How often?
In 2 Corinthians 4:16
16 "For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day."
What do we renew? In Ephesians 4:23 “And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;”
How do we do this? In Joshua 1:8-9
8 "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. 9 Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."
Negative thinking or wrong beliefs about yourself can keep you stuck from entering Christ's fullness.
-- Teresa Morin --
Do you need help moving forward? Would you like some help? DM me if you do.

Coach Teresa Morin, Anxious2Victorious Women  a 12-Week Program, Break the cycle of Anxiety through learning how to get rid of anxiety fast - free ebook download pdf - find peace and happiness


Do You Suffer from Anxious, Negative Thoughts That You Cannot Control, but It Controls You? Read testimonies of those who have conquered it!

Download your FREE GIFT NOW!

Jump Off The Merry-Go-Round:
Five proven steps to conquer unwanted thoughts of worry and shame that drive anxiety and depression to fulfill your potential

by Teresa Morin

This eBook is one of Teresa's most popular publications, available as a free digital downloadable book PDF - No need for your shipping address.

  • Let go of shame, worry, and fear
  • Get freedom from the enemy’s lies
  • Let go of the past pain, hurts, and trauma
  • Learn specific anti-anxiety tools
  • Cultivate Christ-centered confidence and become your most authentic self again
break the cycle of anxiety

anxiety book

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Coach Teresa Morin, Anxious2Victorious Women a 12-Week Program, Break the cycle of Anxiety through learning how to get rid of anxiety fast - free digital downloadable book PDF - find peace and happiness

Friday, July 29, 2022

It's Friday - then Sunday Scaries - Anxiety

Anxiety on Sunday

Sunday Scary - Anxiety

The Sunday Scaries 

For some, it is the last day to work, and they have the typical two days off. Second, not burning all that gas and fighting traffic on the weekend. Third, maybe getting together with friends.

For most, that is what everyone looks forward to for the weekend. Moves, get together, go out to eat, and so on.

Then, it is time to get ready for work on Sunday night. The cycle starts again. Some love their jobs; for others, it's ok and livable because it pays the bills; for others, is tremendous out of dread and anxiety. It is described as an intense feeling of anxiety the Sunday night before returning to work. I call it the Sunday scaries. The Sunday scaries result from job discomfort or insecurity about career performance. 

How do I deal with that?

1. Take Control: take control of my physical space. Instead of sulking in all of that negative energy, I take the time to clear my space. I open the windows and turn on the lights. Listen to your favorite song to help change your mood.

2. Go Sober: For some, grab a beer or wine out of the fridge to cope. Instead, bake cookies or try a new dinner recipe. 

3. Create a weekend blueprint. One way to get your mind off the dread and anxiety is to journal. Journal about the highlights of your weekend. Thank the Lord for the fellowship with others or time out with good friends. What did you talk about that was enlightening to you? 

4. Change the workplace atmosphere: Not all jobs are good, depending on the boss and coworkers. What can you do differently? Bring those baked goods to share in the office. Plan to work on a positive note, expecting good things to happen. When entering your work area, say good morning to your coworkers. Ask them how their weekend went. Refrain from dwelling on what has happened in the past. Go in expecting to hit the bullseye with kindness. 

All these steps are proactive to overcome the dread and anxiety.

Coach Teresa Morin, Anxious2Victorious Women  a 12-Week Program, Break the cycle of Anxiety through learning how to get rid of anxiety fast - free ebook download pdf - find peace and happiness

Do You Suffer from Anxious, Negative Thoughts That You Cannot Control, but It Controls You? Read testimonies of those who have conquered it!

Download your FREE GIFT NOW!

Jump Off The Merry-Go-Round:
Five proven steps to conquer unwanted thoughts of worry and shame that drive anxiety and depression to fulfill your potential

by Teresa Morin

This eBook is one of Teresa's most popular publications, available as a free digital downloadable Book PDF.

  • Let go of shame, worry, and fear
  • Get freedom from the enemy’s lies
  • Let go of the past pain, hurts, and trauma
  • Learn specific anti-anxiety tools
  • Cultivate Christ-centered confidence and become your most authentic self again
Coach Teresa Morin, Anxious2Victorious Women  a 12-Week Program, Break the cycle of Anxiety through learning how to get rid of anxiety fast - free ebook download pdf - find peace and happiness

anxiety book

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Friday, June 10, 2022

Heal your wounds and step into your destiny

Allow The Lord Heal Emotional Wounds


Stepping Into your destiny

When Set Free, You Can Step Into Your Destiny!

Healing Emotional Wounds

I know I am by the grace of God. I am thankful for God's power to heal, restore, and rebuild lives. Also, He washes away the scars from your heart, soul, and mind. I used to suffer from anxiety. When He restores your life, you can step into your destiny. Satan will try to keep you as a victim so that you don't step into your authority.

He called me to set the captives free. A prophet called me out of the audience and anointed me three times. The anointing oil was running down my head. She said, "It is time to step into your destiny and set the captives free." After that encouraging word, I started my ministry by freeing the captives. The Lord gives us all authority. Mark 11:28: "And say unto him, By what authority doest thou these things? And who gave thee this authority to do these things?"

Don't allow the pain and suffering to keep you from your destiny, peace, and joy of the Lord.

Coach Teresa Morin, Anxious2Victorious Women a 12-Week Program, Break the cycle of Anxiety through learning how to get rid of anxiety fast - free ebook download pdf - find peace and happiness


Do You Suffer from Anxious, Negative Thoughts That You Cannot Control, but It Controls You? Read testimonies of those who have conquered it!

Download your FREE GIFT NOW!

Jump Off The Merry-Go-Round:
Five proven steps to conquer unwanted thoughts of worry and shame that drive anxiety and depression to fulfill your potential

by Teresa Morin

This eBook is one of Teresa's most popular publications, available as a free digital downloadable book PDF. No need for your shipping address. 

  • Let go of shame, worry, and fear
  • Get freedom from the enemy’s lies
  • Let go of the past pain, hurts, and trauma
  • Learn specific anti-anxiety tools
  • Cultivate Christ-centered confidence and become your most authentic self again
break the cycle of anxiety

free ebook download pdf

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Friday, May 27, 2022

My Biggest Passion

My Biggest Passion in Life

My Biggest Passion

It has been over 20+ years since the Lord set me free from my internal pain, hurts, and broken heart. I am forever grateful for the help I received.

Then, He called me to help others. First, a deliverance and healing ministry was started (Journey2Wholeness and then Touch of God Int'l Ministries). It has been an adventure. The Lord took me to several countries to help other ministries through training staff or ministering to the broken.

Because of the people I've served, I wanted to do a 90-day program. I couldn't all those years since I worked full-time. God made it possible in the spring of 2021. Now, I get to coach women who are broken, suffering from anxiety, and who need help. 

I take it seriously. 

I've had my heart broken, violated, traumatized, and betrayed by someone I trusted. It hurt to the core of my being. All this contributed to my anxiety in life. God is Good and sets the captives free. 

The Lord has healed me in so many ways: physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. 

Coach Teresa Morin
Anxious2Victorious Women 12-Week Program - Break the Cycle of Anxiety by Learning How to Get Rid of Anxiety Fast - free digital downloadable book PdF